Thursday, 4 March 2010

Bowie Style has arrived!

I must have the nicest drive to work ever!! from Fryup to Staithes in a mini in the sunshine lovely!  Recieved my copy of Bowie Style at the weekend and the verdict is I love it!! Surface pattern in a book!  I did a surface pattern degree and everyone always asks 'whats surface pattern?' so now I tell them i illustrate! sad huh but true.  Bowie Style puts surface pattern on the map, I am now proud to be a surface pattern designer lol!

This is a page from the book Sukie! I love sukie.
The book features some lovely designers and there work is really inspirational!  I advice everyone to take a look!  Designers from all over the world!


  1. Great blog!..... how are the stamps comming along?

  2. They arnt at the moment!! they dont want to do small numbers!! but I'll try and figure it out somehow!
